Thursday, March 29, 2007



Welcome to the home page of Schmant – a scriptable build tool for building software artifacts.

Schmant provides an environment for running build scripts and a set of tools (tasks) that the scripts can use. Schmant can, and will probably mostly, be used for building Java applications.

Schmant aims to be comparable to Apache Ant in features, but nicer and easier to work with.

Schmant uses the scripting support in Java 6. Build scripts can be written in any scripting language that has a JSR 223-compatible script engine, for instance JavaScript, BeanShell or Jython. Other notable features of Schmant are:

  • TaskExecutor:s can be used for running different build tasks in parallel threads.
  • Schmant build scripts may use EntityFS classes and methods for working with directories and files.
  • Single Ant tasks or entire Ant scripts can be run using the AntTF task. This provides a good starting point for migrating away from Ant.
  • Third-party tasks can be bundled and distributed in task packages.
  • Build scripts can work with project repositories (Eclipse workspaces, for instance).
  • Since build scripts run in a Java virtual machine, they have access to the entire Java class library, as well as any number of user-supplied classes.

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