Friday, December 29, 2006

XUI: XuiWikka

XUI: XuiWikka: "XUI (pronounced Zoo'ey) is an Open Source, Rich Internet Application (RIA) framework for building applications in Java and XML. XUI supports Swing, AWT, SWT and HTML widget sets, letting you code in XML or Java or a mix of both. XUI used the well Model-View-Controller pattern to help separate the setup of user interfaces from business logic and data handling. The framework has been developed by Xoetrope∞, who also host the XUI Zone∞ where you will find more extensive documenation.

Welcome to the XUI Wikki. This Wiki is dedicated to all things XUI, and includes documentation of features, hints, tips and anything that might be of interest to users and developers of XUI applications."

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Hadoop Distributed File System: Architecture and Design

The Hadoop Distributed File System: Architecture and Design: "# Introduction
# Assumptions and Goals

* Hardware Failure
* Streaming Data Access
* Large Data Sets
* Simple Coherency Model
* Moving computation is cheaper than moving data
* Portability across Heterogeneous Hardware and Software Platforms

# Namenode and Datanode
# The File System Namespace
# Data Replication

* Replica Placement . The First Baby Steps
* Replica Selection
* SafeMode

# The Persistence of File System Metadata
# The Communication Protocol
# Robustness

* Data Disk Failure, Heartbeats and Re-Replication
* Cluster Rebalancing
* Data Correctness
* Metadata Disk Failure
* Snapshots

# Data Organization

* Data Blocks
* Staging
* Pipelining

# Accessibility

* DFSShell
* DFSAdmin
* Browser Interface

# Space Reclamation

* File Deletes and Undelete
* Decrease Replication Factor

# References"

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

FrontPage - Lucene-hadoop Wiki

FrontPage - Lucene-hadoop Wiki: "Hadoop DFS

Hadoop's Distributed File System is designed to reliably store very large files across machines in a large cluster. It is inspired by the [WWW] Google File System. Hadoop DFS stores each file as a sequence of blocks, all blocks in a file except the last block are the same size. Blocks belonging to a file are replicated for fault tolerance. The block size and replication factor are configurable per file. Files in HDFS are 'write once' and have strictly one writer at any time."

Monday, December 04, 2006

DBSight: Full-text database search platform/engine

DBSight: Full-text database search platform/engine: "Instead of weeks or even months to develop a full-text search for your data, if you know how to use DBSight, you can easily create the full-text search literally in minutes.

Besides Google-like full-text search, you can have:

* Adjust Ranking by combination of relevance and fields like product price, score, comments cout, etc
* Summarized and highlighted results
* Amazon-like Results counted for each category, and sub-category
* Order results by the field you choose
* Recent searches history
* RSS feed for latest match
* Spelling check
* Pagination of the results
* Automatic results clustering
* Multi-Server mode for Server Clustering"

dbclient: DBClient, yet another Jdbc client tool

dbclient: DBClient, yet another Jdbc client tool: "DBClient is a new Open Source Tool for connecting to jdbc compliant relational databases.
Specific extensions will take care of each RDBMS implementation."

JDOInstruments -java object database- oodb -oodbms

JDOInstruments -java object database- oodb -oodbms: "# Byte-Code Enhancement of classes
# Byte-Code Compatibility
# Datastore identity
# Optimistic Transaction
# Nontransactional Read
# Retain values
# Restore values
# Second Class PersistenceCapable objects
# J2EE Integration
# Query (JDOQL)
# Index
# Schema Evolution"

EMMA: a free Java code coverage tool

EMMA: a free Java code coverage tool



A Tests Tester