Tuesday, October 31, 2006



Flying Saucer supports the bulk of the strict XHTML and CSS 2.1 standards. We are working towards complete (and correct) feature support of these standards, but not everything works yet. Most of it is there, though.
General XHTML / CSS features

* Formatted text: basically everything: paragraphs and spans, bold, italic, font sizes, text alignment, horizontal alignment, different fonts
* Box model: border, padding, margin, colors, background images, styled borders
* Full positioning support: static, relative, absolute, and fixed, and floats. There are still some issues dealing with multiple stacked floats. This code is being rewritten.
* Tables: Table support is currently being rewritten so check on the mailing list to see what works.
* Forms: Every standard form control is represented. There are still some bugs with alignment.
* Images: both as inline images with the tag and with background images.
* :hover styles for (dynamic) rollover effects
* Anchors, both external and in-document
* Lists: lists with proper positioning and
* CSS selectors. All CSS selectors in the spec should be supported, even the sibling/child ones
* Pagination
* Margin Collapsing
* R7pre1: Shrink-to-fit sizing. Turned on for auto-width floats, inline-blocks, and absolutely positioned content.
* R7pre1: min-width, max-width, min-height, and max-height properties, for non-replaced content only.

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