Friday, December 02, 2005


RRD TOOL -- RRDJTool: "Round Robin Database Java Tool
by Sasa Markovic

RRDJTool is a small set of Java wrapper classes for RRDTool. This class set performs direct RRDTool calls using Java native interface (JNI) technology. Currently, it's tested on Linux platform only and supports the following frequently used RRD commands:

* rrdcreate
* rrdupdate
* rrdgraph
* rrdlast
* rrdfetch

JNI adds a bit of complexity to your Java based RRDTool projects but without JNI, you are forced to access RRDs using very slow and inefficient system calls. With RRDJTool it is possible to access RRDs using simple, fast and straightforward Java calls implemented through native methods."

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