Saturday, March 18, 2006


jNotes: "jNotes is an application for personal information management. With jNotes, you can edit the diaries, schedule events and plan your personal projects.

Main features of jNotes:

* Calendar-based user interface for navigation through the date items
* Easy-to-use text editor for diary notes editing
* Support for the numerous collections of the notes (aka 'books')
* Scheduling the events with reminding in a time
* Lightweight ('minimal') alternative start mode for enabling the event notifications in background
* Scheduling the to-do tasks, grouped in the numerous project workflows
* Calculation of the projects execution progress
* Automatic background saving of the all data changes
* Publishing the notes in the various formats (with pluggable export filters)
* XML is the native format of the jNotes data
* Full I18N support. The program can be localized without a rebuilding the source code."

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