Thursday, January 25, 2007

ObjectWeb - Petals - Main - TwoMinutesTour

ObjectWeb - Petals - Main - TwoMinutesTour

An Enterprise Service Bus

Petals helps you to integrate your Enterprise Business Units in order to provide a value added global solution. By assembling all your enterprise elements, you can provide new applications by re-using some existing ones.

Thus, all your applications expose their logic by exposing services. This concept is know as a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).

Petals offers a solid backbone for your entperise Information System and acts as a Bus where all your data are exchanged. Petals connects services to each others. Petals is an Enteprise Service Bus (ESB).

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Woopilists Java Mailinglist Server

Eine Software mit der man Mailinglisten realisieren kann ohne einen Mailserver zu betreiben.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Java OS

Overview: "JX is a Java operating system that focuses on a flexible and robust operating system architecture."

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

JRex - The Java Browser Component

JRex - The Java Browser Component: "JRex - The Java Browser Component

'JRex' is a Java Browser Component with set of API's for Embedding Mozilla GECKO within a Java Application.


* Embedded Java Browser based on Mozilla GECKO.
* Event capturing like InputEvents (Mouse & keyboard), History, ContextMenu, ContentUrlListener, Observer, Progress, ToolTip.
* Compatible with AWT and Swing.
* Build in support for window and event management.
* Easy to use, developer need not know much of Mozilla details. The effective line of code for simple use is not more than 3 lines.
* Easy to use and easily extendable API's.
* Compatible with windows and *nix (Having GTK support).
* Compatible with Mozilla Gecko 1.4 and above. Has been tested with Mozilla Gecko 1.4 and 1.6 and 1.7.7
* Supports Tabbed and Java Internal Pane browser windows.
* Support for Profile & preferences.
* Support for Persist, Find & BroswerSetup (to enable/disable plug-in, image etc.) preferences.
* Support for accessing DOM objects of rendered page.
* JRex also implements DOM HTML2 for manipulating loaded HTML Document.
* In built support for Java WebStart deployment.
* In built support for LiveConnect which helps in communication between javascript and Java.
o Can be used for communication between XUL and JVM in which JRex is running.
Note:- JRex does not require mozilla to be installed. JRex uses GRE(which is bare minimal browser engine that can be bundled as WebStart deployment). Check the WebStart Demo to get a feel of how it works."

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Threaded Programs Code Samples

Threaded Programs Code Samples

Software Development Kits - PayPal

Software Development Kits - PayPal: "SDKs (Software Development Kit)
Mit Hilfe dieser Kits k�nnen Sie das Kaufabwicklungsverfahren mit PayPal Web Services �ber eine Client-Bibliothek integrieren, die einen 'Wrapper' f�r die SOAP-basierte Schnittstelle bietet. Jedes Kit enth�lt Dokumentation, einen Webservice-Client und Beispielcode f�r die Integration. F�hren Sie die folgenden drei Schritte aus, um mit der Integration von PayPal zu beginnen:"

JCaptcha - jcaptcha

JCaptcha - jcaptcha: "JCAPTCHA, for Java Completely Automated Public Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
The open source java framework for captcha definition and integration"

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Bamboo DHT -- Introduction

The Bamboo DHT -- Introduction: "A distributed hash table, or DHT, is a building block for peer-to-peer applications. At the most basic level, it allows a group of distributed hosts to collectively manage a mapping from keys to data values, without any fixed hierarchy, and with very little human assistance. This building block can then be used to ease the implementation of a diverse variety of peer-to-peer applications such as file sharing services, DNS replacements, web caches, etc."